VH1 Big in 2015 with Entertainment Weekly Award Show
Featuring: Stevie J, Joseline Hernandez
Where: West Hollywood, California, United States
When: 15 Nov 2015
Credit: FayesVision/WENN.com
Court Is Concerned That Joseline Skipped Town With Reality Show Tot
Where is Bonnie Bella Jordan?
That is the question in a family court judge’s mind after Stevie J and Joseline’s baby hasn’t been seen in weeks.
A court-appointed monitor to the “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” exes and baby Bonnie Bella complained in court papers that she hasn’t seen the baby in weeks, and Joseline keeps dodging her.
Bonnie Bella’s court-ordered monitor told Judge Jane Barwick that she asked Joseline several times about the baby’s whereabouts, but hasn’t been given the chance to see her, which she is entitled to under the court order. The monitor said she contacted Joseline almost two weeks ago, and the Puerto Rican Princess’ lawyer told her that Bonnie and her nanny were in Florida while her mother “was out of town.”
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The court ordered monitor said in court papers that she left voicemails for the nanny, but she never responded. Finally, she told Joseline that she’d better bring Bonnie to the court for a welfare check on Sept. 25 – but Joseline blew off the appointment.
“As of today B.B.J. has not been produced, and GAL (court monitor) is concerned about her whereabouts and well-being,” court papers state. The monitor was so disturbed by the incident, that she wants the judge to issue an order barring both parents from leaving Georgia with the baby until further notice.
The judge appointed the monitor – known as a guardian ad litem – over the summer to investigate both Stevie and Joseline in order to tell the judge about their fitness as parents.
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Both Stevie and Joseline are supposed to appear in court today to argue why the judge shouldn’t grant the court monitor’s request. However, according to court papers, Joseline is scheduled to come to New York with the baby for an appearance.
We reached out to attorneys for both Joseline and Stevie J.