Source: Paul Marotta / Getty
Colin Kaepernick Never Talked To Travis Scott About The Super Bowl
Oh, things are getting MESSY messy…
Earlier this week, what can only be described as an attempted Kris Jenner clean up hit the internet, with sources claiming that Travis Scott is only doing the Super Bowl halftime show because he got the green light from Colin Kaepernick before hand.
Fans in support of Kaep and boycotting the NFL were surprised to hear that he would approve of such a thing, but it seemed to ease the criticism the Houston rapper has been getting since announcing his decision to perform.
That is…until news broke from people close to Colin that he actually never approved of Travis’ performance in the first place.
Hot 97 and Apple Music’s E Bro was the first to let the public know this information was all wrong as he retweeted the initial exclusive report from Variety, which claimed Travis Scott consulted with Colin before confirming his performance. E Bro claims that Kaep “did not approved this bulls**t!”
Not only did Colin’s girlfriend Nessa retweeted E Bro’s sentiment, adding that the people “need to stop lying” about the situation–but Kaepernick also retweeted the sentiment along with others to his own Twitter page.
Nessa kept on going with her disapproval of the aforementioned article, adding, “there is NO mutual respect and there is NO understanding for anyone working against [Kaepernick] PERIOD.”
Though the initial report states that a conversation between Kaepernick and Scott took place, the details of that actual conversation aren’t so clear–but it did imply Colin was somewhat understanding of Travis’ performance because the NFL agreed to donate $500,000 to the social justice organization Dream Corps.
So there you have it. Colin Kaepernick definitely isn’t going to be singing along to “SICKOMODE” during the halftime show this year.